Firstly I’d like to thank some AMAZING people who have stepped up and helped me by donating to our SAF Brooklyn Cleanup Crew! A collaboration between the Milnerton Community Action Network – CAN and the Milnerton Methodist Church meant that we were able to give each of our SAF kids a food parcel to take home to their families! The parcel consisted of peanut butter, oil, pilchards, maize, beans, samp, etc.
The kids were so so appreciative and I told them to please tell mom and dad that I say Thank you to THEM for letting their awesome kids come and help me at the beach! Thanks to the Milnerton Methodist Church for also making tubs of jelly for all the kids together with 2 custards!! That was a lovely surprise when they arrived and they absolutely loved it!! So thank you for that extra special bit of love!
You just have to look at all those happy faces to see what it means to them! And THAT makes it all worthwhile!!A HUGE Thanks must also go to SA Harvest who donated 2 Boxes of 40g Kit Kat chocs (24 per box), 1 Case of 200ml Coca Cola and 1 Case of 200ml Lemonade (24 per case)!! These will be handed out over the next couple of weeks (as I don’t want to overwhelm them on one day and rather space it out) so that at every cleanup they will get SOMETHING!
Thank you to those 2 lovely female cyclists who stopped at our last cleanup and on the spot donated R150 towards our efforts!! Your donation was used to buy bread, a polony roll, mayonnaise, cheese, and juice to make our kids a nice yummy lunch today! I don’t know your names, but THANK YOU! And then of course a Big Thank you to Marc from The Shred Indoor Skatepark who introduced me to these incredible kids and for stopping by again and handing out Session tickets so they can go and have a fun time skating at his incredible indoor skate park!
Seriously… it’s awesome there! If you have kids who skateboard, or if YOU are a skateboarder….Go check them out!!! Anyone wanting to donate to any future cleanups, please do let me know!! Whether it be food, drinks, or just a nice spoil! As I get to know these kids, so will I learn more about them and what their specific needs are! So if you are in a position to help, please do reach out to me!
Thank you once again to everyone who has helped thus far! And those who have offered help! Together we can do anything!! Stay tuned for Part 2…