Community Cleanup: 12 January 2022

Tonight Save a Fishie assisted our Ward Counsillor Helen Carstens in the launch of a new anti-litter campaign with bags and gloves!

Huge Thank you to all who joined: the Richwood Ratepayers Association, the Edgemead Neighbourhood Watch, Bothasig Neighbourhood Watch, Rangers from Bothasig Girl Guides and Rangers, and residents! Thank you for the assistance in creating awareness in keeping our streets clean.

We collected a total of 14kg of rubbish! We found 12 masks on the small stretch that we cleaned!!

I thoroughly enjoyed the evening, especially being able to spend time with the new Ranger crew! I really do miss being a Ranger and I think it’s time I made my way back to Guiding 💙😁

Great to see the Rangers getting right in there… Literally in the drains scooping out loads of litter that would surely make its way down the stormwater drains and into our beautiful Oceans!! Help keep litter off our streets!! Beach cleanups start at home!!

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