407 KILOGRAMS OF LITTER!! Yes. Four Hundred and Seven KILOGRAMS! That’s nearly half a ton!! Of Litter! Off Milnerton Lagoon and Beach Front!
What an awesome World Environment Day Beach Cleanup we had yesterday in partnership with SAMRC (South African Medical Research Council)!! Thank you so very much for again joining forces to do an amazing cleanup!! And thank you so much for the spoils for our cleanup kids!! They so loved it!!
Thanks also to all the other volunteers who helped make it such a success!! Thanks to Bianca and her team from Sanne Careers as well as my amazing kids, the SAF Brooklyn Cleanup Crew!!
A big thank you also to Jason from Milnerton Meander who so generously donated Lunch tickets to our volunteers to be redeemed at the Essential Market in Milnerton! I brought the kids through to have a well-earned lunch and have some fun on the jumping castle!
Stay tuned for info of this coming Saturday’s beach cleanup!!