Despite the weather we braved the cold and headed to the beach this morning for a beach cleanup!
Milnerton Lagoon beach is always in such need of cleaning but especially in the winter months… unfortunately this is also when volunteers are especially hesitant to come out. And I understand that. I have to accept that. I, however, cannot stay away. I cannot stop!!
The usual culprits again: millions of microplastics, nappies, earbuds, 2 balloons (thanks V&A Waterfront for the printed balloon!! ), toothbrush, torn apart tin cans, bottle tops, lollipop sticks, chip packets etc)
Thanks to the help of our SAF Brooklyn Cleanup Crew we picked up an amazing 69 KILOGRAMS of litter today!!
Hank also enjoyed the morning (he graduated from puppy school this morning!!)
Next cleanup will be announced soon Hope to see you there!!
Reminder, if you WANT to help, but CAN’T attend cleanups, please consider making a donation to help us to keep doing cleanups and other environmental programs!! You can donate easily via our Yoco voucher link:
(please type in “Donation” together with your name under recipient details)
Thank you